Simply Clean Care™ Guaranteed Residential and Commercial Cleaning and Restoration
Montery, Salinas and Santa Cruz

Drapery Cleaning In-plant or Right In Your Home!

Upholstery cleaning is availableClean Care by Millers is now Simply Care Care™ and still offers the ultimate in easy care for your fine window coverings. New in-home dry or wet cleaning for time saving convenience is available, as well as in-plant dry or wet cleaning.

Our technicians will come to your home to dry clean your draperies and top treatments right where they hang.

In just a few hours we will remove dirt and dust and restore the beauty to your draperies.

No need to be without window coverings for even a day.

We also offer a complete dry cleaning plant with our equipment especially programmed just for drapes (no clothes cleaning to contaminate the solvent). We can handle virtually any drapery, acrylic backed, blackout, valences etc. in our plant facility.

Simply Clean Care™
Call us today at 831-646-2200 (Monterey), 424-7303 (Salinas) or 476-4882 (Santa Cruz) for a free estimate.
We offer free pick up and delivery.
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